Friday 1 April 2016

Can you Trust a Liberal? Questions for Church of Scotland Evangelicals?

Can you Trust a Liberal?
Questions for Church of Scotland Evangelicals?

Evangelicals are suckers; they are naive fools who are too ready to believe the empty promises of liberals that if only same sex marriage is allowed for office-bearers the conscience of evangelicals will be respected.

I have two counter-examples.  One is the promise given to the naïve evangelicals in the sixties who believed that the introduction of woman’s ordination was simply permissive legislation and no church or individual would be forced to conform to this practice.  Well, at least we can say that they waited 25 years before they reneged on this promise.

Liberals it seems are no longer as patient.  No sooner does the PCUSA allow the ordination of candidates in same sex relations, than it reneges on all its promises to the dumb evangelicals who believed the nonsense of reconciled diversity, mutual toleration and forbearance, and broad church co-operation.  How long did it take?  Five years!

This is so blatant that even some of the more moderate liberals are appalled. Read the testimony of one of them:

“BREACH OF FAITH: Why the Apology Overture is So Wrong by Barbara G. Wheeler”

Now of course the Church of Scotland evangelicals will say that this is the USA and our home-grown liberals are models of integrity who would never do such a terrible thing.  As I say, “Suckers!”, or to use the more biblical term, “Fools!”

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  (Proverbs 1:7)

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